Employer Branding Along the Lines of Mindfulness.

The Theben theMA Employee Newspaper.


Schindler Parent > Cases > Theben theMA Employee Newspaper

Theben is a leading company in the field of timers, presence and motion detectors, and KNX building systems technology. The core value of the company's brand is mindfulness, as all their products are about saving energy in and around buildings without limiting the comfort. However, the company also exercises mindfulness when it comes to their workforce. Mindfulness and transparency. Just for that purpose, the old employee newspaper was brought back to life. With a new name, a new appearance, and a new editorial concept. Developed and designed at the Meersburg lakeside promenade. By us.
We used the employee newspaper to anchor the corporate identity with its brand values consistently in the company.

Just like in the print communication, where people look up to where Theben products are usually attached, we had the employees look up, and we had them photographed, too. The intention and purpose of the employee newspaper: To make topics transparent and to live mindfulness, the brand's core value, was implemented here in a virtually playful way.


Also the new name ties into the corporate design, insofar as it builds on the naming system of Theben products, and directly addresses the target group by using the abbreviation, the employees. (funktioniert nicht: etwa ersetzen mit: by using the abbreviation "MA" as in "Mitarbeiter", the German word for employees.) Transparency towards the workforce, motivation, and strengthening of identification with the company – these are the subjects that theMa addresses a couple of times a year.

The look: It convincingly uses a modified Theben blue with the accent colour orange to mark categories, quotes, and topics.

The concept: Communicating internal and external subjects that concern the company, releasing reports on corporate culture, and providing insights into the management board and the supervisory board. Through very personal, forthright interviews.

Print production from a single source.

The entire implementation was done in cooperation with Theben, from a single source. From creating and preparing the content, to the translation, up to the layout and the printing process.

TheMA Lets Employees Look Up.

theMA was very well received by the employees. The introduction of the employee newspaper took place at the company's summer party. Each employee was personally welcomed and photographed in front of a wall – individually or in their team. Naturally, looking up – just like in the print communication: There, where the logo is, or where there often is a Theben presence or motion detector mounted to the wall in the real, actual world.

The employee newspaper is published four times a year in a German and an English version. After the second edition, the circulation was increased. A further language version is already being considered.
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Sebastian Schnell
Group Head Project Management