Fast loading times rank better.
We check your Core Web Vitals.

Schindler Parent > Press > Google Core Web Vitals

Stay fast. Check your Core Web Vitals.

Google is making load times – Core Web Vitals – an official ranking factor in May 2021. So, in other words: The faster your website loads, the better it will rank. Websites with slow loading times, on the other hand, automatically slip to the back of the Google search results. Of course, good content remains important. But speed is becoming increasingly important. Hence, our recommendation: Check your loading speed. If you like, we can do it for you: page-based, with recommendations for action, as well as with concrete solutions for well-known content management systems – together with our partners. Continue to rank well – do something for your speed. Or let us do that for you.


More information:

Philipp Stäuble

Group Head Digital Marketing