What Makes Us Creative.
Now in the current W&V - or here directly from us.

Schindler Parent > Press > What Makes Us Creative Article In The Current WV

What Makes Us Creative.

Now in the current W&V - or here directly from us.

In the current issue of W&V, Martin Bell poses the interesting question – what makes advertising agencies creative? Part 3 of the series is about whether “the filthy lucre” – in other words: big budgets – automatically leads to better ideas. As much as there is in favour of this (the more the better), Bell also provides lots of exciting examples where even small sums of money have made a big impact. Schindler Parent Creative Director Robert Schenk also has his say, along with Philipp-&-Keuntje Managing Director Diether Kerner and Heye CEO Mark Niedzballa. It shows what triggers advertisers’ creativity when they see the job as a challenge. While it is true that necessity (= a small budget) is the mother of invention (= creativity), it is also true that nothing comes from nothing. Regardless of the size of a budget, another factor is just as important, if not absolutely critical: The customer’s trust – only then is brave communication really possible. And it is only through brave communication that we achieve more. Examples? See the article. And if you want more examples, please contact us directly.

>Download the article and find out what makes us creative.

For more information please contact:

Antje Koch

Projectmanagement / Public Relations
antje.koch (at)