The American Way of Marketing.

Yippiyayeah! Or How Does It Go Again?


Schindler Parent > Blog > Yippiyayeah! Or How Does It Go Again?

Marketing in the US is not as simple as people might think. In his easy-going American way, Matt Bowen from the Boston Aloft Group explained to us and our guests how a brand can be successfully placed on the North American market – and what pitfalls await companies from Europe.

According to him, the US should not be perceived as one huge market, but as an accumulation of many diverse markets that run on emotions rather than rationality. And there is nothing like a good success story. Provided, of course, it’s an American success story.

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The US are somewhat further developed compared to Europe when it comes to content marketing – and this is true for both B2C and B2B companies. In the subsequent talk, Sebastian Müller-Posch from Schindler Parent highlighted the crucial role of inbound marketing.

The concluding panel discussion with Christoph Müller from the Sick AG and Jan Hiersemenzel from Swisspacer provided authentic observations of the culture shock that some German marketers experience on the American market.

The participants then had the chance to deepen their new insights in conversations with the speakers and the other participants while enjoying drinks and appetizers.

If you are interested in the speakers’ presentations please contact

Michael Meier

Managing Director