Off to the cabin.
This is how team building works.

Schindler Parent > Blog > Teambuilding à la Schindler Parent 

Teambuilding à la Schindler Parent

Don’t call it Corporate excursion.

Every challenge mastered is an investment in the stories we tell tomorrow about the past. Our weekend tour to the Sonnenalp in Bezau is a refreshing example of employer branding and successful team building.

In advance: The organizer of this tour said that he would probably also run the route with his grandma. But we are not his grandma. We - that is, Schindler Parent with the vast majority of its employees (unless they were prevented by wedding anniversaries, children's birthdays or Bundesliga tickets) - set out on Friday, almost the 13th, on what used to be called a company outing.



Our destination was the Bezau Sonnenalp. That was a lot of alp and little sun. Instead, we trudged bravely in initially pleasantly cool drizzle and less pleasant short hail up the slope with its nevertheless remarkable 10-percent gradient (which the organizer's grandma would probably have easily hopped up). Three hours and one or two near-misses later, we arrived happily at the hut - and the relaxing part could begin.

To be upfront and keep it short overall: It was of course a great tour. The fresh yeast plait (our thanks go to the Mahl bakery - also for the delicious sandwiches) and in the evening the homemade Maultaschen (with meat or vegetarian) tasted all the better after this walk. The fact that our event managers Hanna, Tanja & Jasmin prepared us perfectly for the nightcap in the cellar bar with team-building games should only be mentioned here in passing (but perhaps the three should develop a new business field for us).



We don't want to bore anyone with unnecessary details (or even expose them). What is important is that we are not only able to work very efficiently throughout the year, but also know how to celebrate exuberantly when the occasion calls for it. That's what we did. But, as is always the case with us, this also involved a very effective added value: We call it team building.

Teambuilding directly on the slope, where the stronger carried the backpacks of the weaker. Teambuilding at volley pong. Teambuilding also and especially at the final Escape Room game, where our best group topped the long-standing record by two minutes.



Our congratulations go to this team. Our thanks go to the organizing team. And our warmest greetings go to said grandmother. She has a bomb constitution. Just to say that: we - after this very compressed mountain air refueling - now too. Always ready to rock the next campaign for you.


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Christoph Siwek

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