Crystal Clear Brand Identity.
Corporate-Design-Finishing-Touches for Vetrotech Saint-Gobain.

Schindler Parent > Press > New customer Vetrotech Saint-Gobain

CD/CI-Finishing-Touches for Vetrotech.

Fire-resistant glass, high-security glass, multifunctional glass - Vetrotech does not make any compromises when it comes to the safety of human life and the protection of property. The company, which belongs to the Saint-Gobain Group, is one of the leading suppliers of glass and safety solutions worldwide. Vetrotech's brand identity is to be just as uncompromising as its claim and brand promise. The Swiss company has now enlisted the services of Schindler Parent to achieve this.

The goal is to develop an updated Brand Book 21 with the corresponding graphic guidelines and templates for application cases based on the existing brand image. The prerequisites for this are first defined in a strategy workshop, then laid down in the conception and development of a new CD/CI, and in a third step implemented through the brand book. It's an exciting task, and we are looking forward to it.


More informationen is available from:

Sascha Schmidt
