The sustainable SP summer party.

Schindler Parent > Blog > B. SUSTAINABLE à la Schindler Parent.

B. SUSTAINABLE à la Schindler Parent.

Sustainable from DNK report to deco to dress – code.

Remember: Just last week, our newsletter went out. With our DNK sustainability statement. At the same time, we published a press release and a blog article on our website - and, of course, posts appeared on Instagram and LinkedIn. That's a lot of sustainability at once, some people might think.

But of course, that was not a coincidence, it was timing.

Because: We linked our external communication to our internal communication.

To: get both target groups on board at the same time and take them along on the journey - our customers and our employees.

But enough of the colon communication for now.

We celebrated our Schindler Parent summer party. And as always, when we dig out an opportunity to really fill our bellies, we also take it as an opportunity to stimulate our gray matter for a long time beforehand. In this case, it was the internal presentation of our DNK report as well as our new Schindler Parent teaser, a short film about your agency for brand & margin, which was only completed with and during our summer party, because the last take was the kick-off of the party.



The entire event - inspired by our bees - was themed B. SUSTAINABLE. And that's what we were. Our dining Code consisted of seven courses from the grill or drum. Vegan, vegetarian and char from sustainable fish and organic lamb & beef from sustainable livestock were offered. Everything was organic - right down to the decoration and the dress code (linen and earth tones). To this - almost - all have adhered. This is due to the fact that we understand sustainability beyond the environment also economically and socially - above all as diverse and different as we understand ourselves. The exceptions are part of the confirmation of the rule.



In short: a fantastic summer party that fit perfectly into the rain breaks and left us all invigorated - filled with food, united in spirit. Ready for whatever the summer has in store.


More information is available from:

Christoph Siwek

Creative consultant / Head of Text