Marketing & Artificial Intelligence.
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Lecture on "Marketing & Artificial Intelligence" at the Marketing Community Bodensee.

Like so many things you don't know what to make of, AI is here to stay. And wherever it appears, and especially wherever there's no getting around it - in marketing, that is - it arouses a mixture of horror and amazement at what it can do. Because it does this so well that some people fear they may no longer be able to master it. Topics like this were the subject of the specialist lecture "Marketing & Artificial Intelligence" - held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at Graf Zeppelin Haus in Friedrichshafen. Speakers in front of the Marketing Community Bodensee were Dieter Götz, Head of Digital Concept at Schindler Parent, and Senior Consultant and MCB Advisory Board Member Sascha Schmidt.

In front of more than 40 guests from business and society, the two experts outlined everything that is already available on the market under AI and can be used for marketing. (a lot, a lot: far more than 1,000 tools are vying for the attention and purchasing power of a wide variety of target groups), what it does and can do (also an insane amount: namely not only in the area of AI itself, but also and especially in its sub-areas of machine learning and deep learning), but also how best to deal with it (namely best with caution, prudence and foresight).

With caution - certainly. But also with composure. Because one thing is clear: AI is revolutionizing our digital actions, learning and perception. And yes, AI does this very intelligently - by using data and algorithms that no brain can retrieve as quickly as it can. But AI cannot yet think for itself (even if it already looks very similar).

Sascha Schmidt and Dieter Götz not only gave a theoretical lecture on how this can look, from A as in Automated Processes to Z as in XYZ, they also demonstrated it practically and vividly using selected examples of image, text, and audio tools such as Gamma, Humata, and Adobe Podcast - to name just a few.

Conclusion: AI can be very helpful. For example, when it comes to relieving the burden of routine work or complex data analyses. AI is also very good at breaking the ice, namely for networking. And that's exactly what happened after the presentation. By the way, it was totally analog between real people who have something to say to each other. By the way, AI definitely has some catching up to do here, because in personal contact it proves to be rather clumsy despite all its algorithms. For example, it doesn't have a hand that can be shaken, and it can only smile warmly as a deep fake.

This evening at Marketing Community Bodensee was very inspiring and refreshingly personal in real terms. If you could not be there, then simply contact us. Then simply make up for it in a small circle with us. Or at your place. Wherever: We look forward to a personal conversation.


More information is available from:

Sascha Schmidt
